
Jennifer reeder lds
Jennifer reeder lds

“In Your Wildest (Grammar) Dreams: Easy Grading and Improved Student Writing with the ‘All or Nothing Grammar Plan.’” Provo, Utah.īYU English Department, “ kaizen: Writing Teacher’s Conference,” Brigham Young University April 25, 2013. Print.ī YU English Department, “ 2015 Writing Teacher’s Conference,” Brigham Young University April 23, 2015. “ Untrumpeted and Unseen: Josephine Spencer, Mormon Authoress.” Journal of Mormon History 27.1 (2001): 127-164. Print.**Winner of the Morris Rosenblatt/Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Award. “ Kanab’s All Woman Town Council, 1912-1914: Politics, Power Struggles, and Polygamy.” Utah Historical Quarterly, 73.4 (Fall 2005): 308-328. Produced for Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History by BYU Studies (BYU: Provo, Utah, 2005): 33-238. Lee Library, Brigham Young University,” co-authored with Connie Lamb and Jennifer Reeder, New Scholarship on Latter-day Saint Women in the Twentieth Century, Selections from the Women’s History Initiative Seminars, 2003-2004. “ They’ve Told the Tale: Acquiring and Utilizing Women’s Collections at L. Produced for Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History by BYU Studies (BYU: Provo, Utah, 2005): 39-49. “ The Politics of Politics: Remembering Mary Woolley Chamberlain, Mayor of Kanab,” New Scholarship on Latter-day Saint Women in the Twentieth Century, Selections from the Women’s History Initiative Seminars, 2003-2004.

jennifer reeder lds

“ Rhetoric and Ritual: A Decade of Woman’s Exponent Death Poetry,” Journal of Mormon History 32.3 (2006): 54-81. " Wrestling with LDS Motherhood: Evolving Feminism in Josephine Spencer's "To Keep" and "Little Mother" Irreantum 9.2/10.1 (2007-2008): pgs. “ Yesharah: Society for LDS Sister Missionaries,” Journal of Mormon History 34.1 (2008): 168-203.

Jennifer reeder lds