
Baby registry checklist 2022 pdf
Baby registry checklist 2022 pdf

If the shower isn’t at your home, just be sure you’ve arranged a way to take all your gifts with you. Unless you really want to give the host a hand with things, all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the celebration-it’s a party for you, after all. Adults only? Kids allowed? Mixed gender? The only limitation to keep in mind is the venue’s capacity, so ask whoever is hosting the baby shower what sort of venue they plan on using. It’s your party and you can invite who you want to. You may have started your registry already, in which case, good for you for getting on that early! Your registry doesn’t necessarily have to be finished at this point, but you should feel pretty good about what’s on there by the time your baby shower invites go out, because that’s when friends and family will start thinking about what gift to get you. It’s totally up to you whether your baby shower is before or after your baby arrives, the proximity to baby’s arrival date, or if you have a shower at all.


Download the Host Baby Shower Checklist.Download the Parent-to-Be Baby Shower Checklist.

baby registry checklist 2022 pdf

Want your own copy of each checklist to keep on hand as you get to planning? Download them here! Some hosts love a strict, organized task list while others thrive on just winging it-take this checklist as guidance, not gospel. The timing also depends on who’s planning the party and how much they actually like to plan things. Is it a fancy, formal event that requires lots of coordination with caterers and decorators? Or are you throwing a more casual gathering that can be planned on shorter notice? Keep in mind that involving services like catering means more people’s schedules to work with, so you should leave more room in your timeline. The timing of some baby shower–related duties depends on the type of party. That means the shower could be anywhere from one to eight weeks post-baby arrival-or later. If the celebration is going to take place after baby’s arrival-which is common in certain religious and cultural traditions-then you’ll want to give the family enough time to settle in with their new addition, get used to their routine and, if you’re doing gifts, figure out what they need. If the shower is going to happen before baby, throwing it about one to two months before baby’s arrival date gives most parents-to-be enough time to sort through the shower gifts, put together anything that comes in multiple pieces (like a bassinet or swing), wash any clothes or toys and put everything in its place.

baby registry checklist 2022 pdf

You can technically have a baby shower at any point before or after baby comes.

baby registry checklist 2022 pdf

With all the tasks organized in order of operation (though the timeline is totally flexible), we hope you can eliminate some of the stress that comes with party planning and focus on having fun with it. So we’ve created an ultimate checklist to keep things on track and help you plan the most memorable baby shower ever. From themes and food to RSVP management and gift tracking, there’s a lot to remember.

baby registry checklist 2022 pdf

If you’re planning a baby shower, or if you’re having one planned for you (congratulations, by the way!), you might’ve already figured out that a party this special involves a lot of tasks. But no matter how baby arrives or in what order, one thing is for certain: baby showers can be a fun and special way to welcome them into the world and celebrate the parents at the same time. Every baby deserves a celebration, whether they’re being born into a family, carried by a surrogate or lovingly adopted, and whether they’re the first child in a family or the second or the third.

Baby registry checklist 2022 pdf